Faces of Rush Graphics: James
Rush's Sweetheart

Rush's Jack of All Trades
Here at Rush, we do many, many different things; printing, cutting, assembling, kitting, laminating, and shipping, just to name a few. While we each have our own specialties and positions, there is one person here who makes just about everything his specialty, and that would be James. Not only is he the main operator of the HP Indigo 7900, one of our biggest and most complex presses, but he has made the effort to familiarize and master almost every machine and technique there is to learn here at Rush Graphics.

A Work Ethic of Steel
You can ask just about anyone here, James has the strongest work ethic of anyone we’ve ever known. He is known for accepting nothing but perfection when it comes to his abilities and technique. Being proficient in every aspect of our production process, as well as possessing an extremely good eye for color matching and proofing, no one is as trustworthy and reliable as James when it comes to producing perfection.

A Heart of Gold
Not only does James work hard, but he also cares for and prioritizes everyone he works with. Don’t let his stern expression and dark clothing deceive you, James is an absolute softie. When looking at each person that currently works at Rush, the majority can relate in being at least partially trained by James, and all agree that he is a patient, articulate, and the perfect person to teach you not just how to do a job, but how to do it right.

A Quote from James
I love that we provide not only a vast amount of solutions for customers, but also have personnel with over 30 years of experience in the print industry. It’s easy to excel here because everyone among us is well educated and experienced with our work flow.